1oddday — The Betty and Barney Hill UFO incident ("Zeta Reticuli Incident") is easily one of the most legendary UFO abduction cases of all time. The Hill abduction received massive publicity, as well as the whole nation talking. Their story shaped people's view of alien abductions and UFO sightings till present day.
Through the aid of hypnosis, the couple recalled how they were abducted and medically examined by Aliens for hours. The Hills UFO sighting and abduction happened on September 19th, 1961, around 10:00 p.m while the Hills were driving back to Portsmouth from a vacation in Niagara Falls and Montreal — as the couple approach south of Lancaster, New Hampshire, Betty claimed to have seen a strange bright point of light from the sky. But Barney, a WWII veteran, dismissed the claim and assured Betty that she saw probably light from satellites.
However, as Barney drove down the curving mountain road, the light moved with the car ducking past the moon, trees, and mountain ridges. With the light seeming to grow bigger, brighter, and moving towards them, Betty asked Barney to stop the car. Using her binoculars, Betty discovered that the light was, in fact, a flying object in the air. Barney took a look for himself and realized that the object was not a satellite and observed it was not only moving, but descending towards his direction.
As they speeded towards Franconia Notch, the object came closer. Barney being a military man - abruptly stop the car, armed himself with a handgun, and stormed into the dark field, leaving Betty in the car. What Barney saw was a clear view of a craft as big as a jet and round and flat like a pancake.
Terrified — Barney ran back to the car, where Betty was now behind the wheel. wanting to see for herself Betty began tracking the craft, moving her head outside the car window getting a clearer view, when a loud rhythmic beep sounded from the car's trunk. The couple instantly felt drowsy and lost consciousness. After two hours and 35 miles down south, a second beeping sound brought them back to full consciousness. However, the couple only had vague and inconsistent memories of what had happened.
When the couple arrived at their home in Portsmouth, they felt “strange”. Barney's shoes were strangely scuffed, and Betty's dress was ripped and stained. They couldn't recall what happened in their two hours trip back home.
With the help of a psychiatrist / neurologist, Benjamin Simon, who specialized in hypnosis, the couple started telling him their story. They claimed a vessel landed on their car, putting them to sleep. Some gray beings with large eyes walked them into a metallic disc as wide as a house was long.
Once inside, the beings examined the couple and erased their memories. The Hills recalled that once inside the craft. They were taken into the different examination rooms with curved walls and a large light hanging from the ceiling. During the examinations, the beings' collection from Barney and Betty's body included strands of hair, nail clippings, and scraped skin samples. The Hill Abduction story was published in various newspapers, and a best seller book was written on it.
However, the Hill's story was greeted by plenty of controversies. Some see the Hill's story as a myth.
After examining the couple, National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP) scientific advisor discovered that their account was surprisingly credible. Also, psychiatrist Simon affirmed that the Hills had not made up their story. He explained that Betty dreamed about the abduction.
The Air Force dismissed the story as false, claiming the couple hadn't seen a spacecraft but only planet Jupiter. Till their death, the Hill's stuck to their account of the story despite skepticism and criticism. Betty, outlived her husband Barney, and as a widow became a respected authority in UFO research, within the ufology community.