1oddday, April 19, 2023, the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) held an open congressional hearing on Unexplained Anomalous Phenomena, or UAPs as the Pentagon calls them. The rare hearing, lead by Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick (director of AARO), was intended as an update to inform the public that AARO has been actively looking into well over 600 open cases on UAP, as well as releasing two never before seen videos on UAP. 🛸📺
While one of the videos was confirmed to be nothing more than a misleading “artifact” created by military drone sensors, the other video was a bit more compelling. The video, now being dubbed “the Middle East Orb” (not to be confused with the Mosul Orb), clearly shows a metallic like orb flying across the screen. 🌫
According to Kirkpatrick, at this time there is no proof that any of the UAP being investigated are of extra terrestrial origin. Dr. Kirkpatrick also took time during the hearing to encourage the public to stay away from blogs and social media with regards to UAP. 👽💻
He's definitely taking a narrow-minded approach to a complex problem. I would have loved the opportunity to rebuttal Dr. Kirkpatrick at the hearing, or any other public format. 🤷♂️
It’s only been in recent history that we’re seeing this (opaque version of) “transparency” by the pentagon — the reality is that over the past 50+ years the United States government, was withholding information, and blatantly lying to it’s citizens, as well as intentionally creating disinformation campaigns to further manipulate public perceptions on the issue. 💎
If it were not for blogs and social media applying pressure to the pentagon, the public probably would’ve never seen the level of disclosure that we’re currently seeing. If UFO's are not of extra terrestrial origin, and not created by the United States military, then we need to also openly acknowledge that the United States is no longer the most technologically advanced super power in the world.
-1oddday 👽