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Nixon & Gleason Go Golfing-

⛳️ 1oddday Beverly Gleason (the ex-wife of television comedian Jackie Gleason) claims that after some Miami Golfing — President Richard Nixon invited her husband Jackie Gleason to a military base, where he witnessed proof that aliens existed. According to her, in 1973, Gleason came home severely shaken, and Jackie refused to talk. Once stable, he told her that he was escorted to Homestead Air Force Base as arranged by the former president to see the bodies of some aliens from outer space. 🛸

👽 These aliens’ embalmed bodies were laid on four separate tables. Gleason describes the physical appearance of the aliens as being approximately 2 feet tall with small bald heads and disproportionately large ears. According to Beverly, he was not told anything about the circumstances in which these bodies were recovered. 🔬

📖 There is an entry in Richard Nixon’s daily diary that confirms he met Jackie Gleason at a golf tournament in Lauderhill, Florida, on 2.19.73. 👽🇺🇸



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