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UFO’s over Chicago -

1oddday - November 7, 2006 - Chicago O’ Hare international Airport- around twelve airport employees reported witnessing a UFO (metallic, saucer-shaped craft) hovering over United Airlines Gate C-17. The first witness was a United crew member, who happened to be on the ramp, witnessing the mysterious object hovering at around 4:15 PM. more witnesses would follow totalling 12 United Airlines employees (including pilots, and supervisors), amongst other witnesses corroborating the account.

Authorities at O'Hare Airport were informed about the incident. They were told the object was completely silent, dark in color, and 6 to 24 feet in diameter — big enough to draw the attention of people outside the airport, that also noticed the UFO,

the FAA still dismissed the sighting as an incident of "weather phenomenon".

Audio recordings have since surfaced of a conversation that took place that day between air traffic controllers and one of the airport staff members that witnessed the event.



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