When debating the existence of UFO's with non-believers, and "debunkers", some of the most commonly used rhetoric revolves around the idea that "if aliens and UFO's did infact exist - why haven't they landed on the White House lawn yet?"- but what if they did? 🛸🇺🇸
1oddday — July 19, 1952, the United States capitol, Washington D.C., made headlines, as UFO’s were spotted over the city.🛸🛸🛸
🛫Edward Nugent, an air traffic controller at Washington National Airport, first spotted seven objects on radar, and shared his findings with his supervisor, who was also able to see the objects in question. Making matters worse, other unexplainable objects could be seen on radar by us military intel. The objects were spotted moving all over the capitol, including the White House.🛸
🪖Around the same time at Andrews Air Force Base, an airman reported seeing an object ”looking like an orange ball of fire with a tail”. Staff Sgt. Charles Davenport also observed an orange-red light to the south, and later confirmed that 2 other radars also captured the mysterious phenomena. The objects would eventually vanish from all three radars at the same time.📡📡📡

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