War is never the solution to ANY problem. There should never be a justification to murdering innocent women and children, especially over politically motivated agendas.
You don’t have the right to pick and chose who’s lives are more valuable than others, or be hypocritical when judging one countries actions, and not hold your own country to those same standards.
1oddday - March 20, 2003 the United States lead by former president George W. Bush carried out an operation invading Iraq with air strikes killing thousands of innocent civilians over night. Most Americans weren’t sure as to why the US was invading Iraq, only that Saddam Hussein was a “bad guy” who “tried to kill my daddy!” - George W. Bush - The President and his cabinet fabricated a reason to go into Iraq, citing that Hussein possessed “weapons of mass destruction” . These W.M.D’s we’re NEVER FOUND. Later intelligence reports would show that Condoleezza Rice (former US sec. of state) was even told 5 weeks prior that there is no proof that Iraq has possession of W.M.D’s - her reply was that “our intelligence is not on trial here. Iraq is”
Many private military companies profited greatly over the next decade as the US carried out unnecessary military objectives in the region. Almost 2 decades later most war analysts agree that invading Iraq was a huge mistake.
